Posts Tagged With: river kayaking

Dream a dream , do the work , watch it come to life!


What an awesome weekend at Swift Water Rescue!!!
I have continued to move forward in my dreams of sharing my love of nature and outdoor sports with women young and young at heart. This weekend was intense, scary at times & very rewarding ! Today I am going to process what I have learned and press it into my memory for safe keeping.
It is very useful knowledge , but one hopes that they are never in the situation where they have to put the knowledge to the test. Being safe on the water is an individuals responsibility . You would not drive without your seatbelt would you? Having equipment to self rescue or rescue others should be a part of your being prepared on any adventure ! Knowing knots, roping techniques and wearing your life jacket are great places to begin.
This week I will take my knowledge to women at Eureka Earth Festival in Kayak class & I am excited to share it . is where you can find how to sign up .
So I have dreamed a dream and am walking through the doors as they open. It is exciting to live the dream, learn the knowledge and put yourself to the test. Next…..Wilderness First Aid and then Professional hiking guide class!










Categories: adventures in the outdoors, kayaking, photography, Swift Water Rescue, women in the outdoors | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

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